Practicing Family Gratitude

In times of uncertainty, fear, and change, we as parents want to provide our kids a feeling of stability and routine. That isn't always simple.

We might not always be able to alter the current reality during stressful situations. However, we can concentrate our efforts on "managing what we can control" and cultivating thankfulness for all of the little things that make each day better.

Thankful for the health advantages

The effects of thankfulness on our general well-being have been the subject of an increasing number of research. The findings point to advantages for both our physical and mental health, as well as for children's happiness. Thankfully, we may include appreciation into our daily activities without adding more things to do or things to learn.

Beyond thanks: 5 strategies to foster children's gratitude

Children can also be taught thankfulness outside of teaching them proper etiquette like saying "thank you." Here are some suggestions to encourage your kids to develop the practise of gratitude.

1. Each day, concentrate on what went "right." - Spend a few minutes before going to sleep listing or discussing one thing, no matter how insignificant, or one aspect of the day for which you and your family are thankful. Think about compiling them in a household "gratitude jar." According to studies, thankfulness reduces symptoms like unexplained aches and pains and enhances sleep quality. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset by emphasising the good aspects of the day.

2. Don't wait to about what you are thankful for. -  Talking about the individuals you are grateful for in your life—and why—can go a long way, whether you're on the road back home or having fun playing games as a family. Consider the good qualities in other people that help us feel secure, rooted, and loved. We can better control our anxious and depressing thoughts by reminding ourselves of those excellent relationships.

3. Encourage real expressions of gratitude, whether in writing or verbally.  - Your kids develop the practise of expressing gratitude. By expressing gratitude, people are more likely to feel good about themselves, have stronger minds, and engage in more helpful, giving, and charitable actions. All of these are essential to building our resilience, a quality that we all require at this time.

4. Aim to assist those who are in need. - It's critical to motivate kids and teenagers to actively participate in community service. Help them identify things they are passionate about, like raising money or doing volunteer work at a nursing home. They will obtain a feeling of purpose and acquire skills that will help them thrive in life by taking part in such charitable initiatives.

5. Set a good example. - Being more appreciative of yourself is one way to model gratitude for your children. Regularly express your gratitude to them, and they will start to imitate your behaviour. You can get started by acting appropriately and using constructive correctional methods.


Practicing appreciation with our family for a brief period of time each day can have a good effect on how we respond to challenging circumstances that life unpredictably throws our way. It works best when included in a comprehensive family wellness plan that emphasises regular physical exercise, good diet, and sound sleep. The opportunity to further address gratitude and other strategies to increase your family's physical and emotional resilience can be had at regular checkups with your paediatrician.

If you have any worries regarding the health or welfare of your child, make sure to discuss them with your paediatrician.

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