Ten tips to manage stubborn kids

Children's temper tantrums and attitudes are common problems for parents. Therefore, if you are one of them, we will assist you in learning how to handle a difficult child.

Children being stubborn is common, but this does not lessen the challenges parents face. Simple tasks like eating, taking a bath, or going to bed can require a lot of convincing, which eventually results in a disagreement. It might be demanding to deal with this every day. It is crucial to inform the child about the repercussions of their actions. To convince children to listen to you, you must also recognise their efforts and politeness.

Advice For Dealing With Stubborn Children

You might be dealing with an uncooperative kid who pushes away their cereal spoon or won't stay in their cot. Another option is a six-year-old with a bullheaded attitude who insisted on wearing the same outfit every day and stomped their foot in defiance of any rules or directives you gave them. Here are some suggestions to help you deal with your child's tendency for stubbornness.

1. Trying to listen

Two-way communication is essential. You must be willing to listen to your child before expecting them to listen to you. Children that are stubborn may have strong beliefs and quarrel frequently. If they think their voice isn't being heard, they could act defiantly. The majority of the time, listening to your child and having an honest discussion about what's bothering them helps solve the problem when they insist on doing or not doing anything. Try to approach your five-year-old child gently, practically, and without coming at her head-on if you want her to listen to you.

2. Engage them rather than pushing them.

Children often resist and behave inappropriately when forced into something. The phrase that best describes this conduct is counterwill, which is a characteristic of youngsters who are stubborn. Counterwill is innate and not just present in young infants. Make a connection with your kids.

3. Offer them choices.

Children who are stubborn may have their own ideas and dislike being told what to do. If you tell your four-year-old child she needs to go to bed by 9 o'clock, all you will hear is a resounding "No!" Your five-year-old will not want that toy if you insist they get the one you choose. Give your kids choices rather than orders. Ask them if they would like to read bedtime story A or B rather than asking them to go to bed.

4.Stay composed.

A regular chat between a parent and a child will escalate into a yelling match if the parent yells at the stubborn, screaming child. Your child might interpret your reaction as a call for argument. This will only worsen the situation. You are the adult, thus it is your responsibility to guide the discussion to a useful conclusion. Help your youngster comprehend why something must be done or how they should act.

Do whatever it takes to maintain your composure, such as exercise, meditation, or music. At home, play soothing or peaceful music so that even your kids may enjoy it. Play your child's favourite music from time to time. In this manner, you may get their "vote" and also give them a chance to unwind.

5. Honor them

If you impose authority on your kid, he'll undoubtedly rebel. You can demonstrate respect in your relationship by doing the following:

- Cooperate rather than requiring strict conformity to rules.

- Make sure your rules are the same for all of your kids and don't relax them just because it's convenient.

- Never discount their thoughts or sentiments; rather, empathise with them.

- Avoid the urge to lighten your children's load by letting them take care of what they can on their own.


- This demonstrates to them your confidence in them.

-Do as you say, and say what you mean.

According to Betsy Brown Braun, you should always lead by example because your kids are watching you all the time.

6. Work with them

Strong-willed or stubborn kids are very sensitive to how you treat them. Therefore, pay attention to your tone, body language, and terminology. They react in the greatest way they know how to defend themselves when they feel threatened by your actions: they rebel, talk back, and act aggressively.

7. Bargain


It is occasionally important to bargain with your kids. When they don't receive what they want, they frequently act out. You must understand what is preventing people from listening to you if you want them to do so.

- Begin by posing a few queries, such as, "What is troubling you?" Get them to talk about it by asking "Is something the matter?" or "Do you want anything?" This demonstrates to them your regard for and readiness to take into account their wishes.

- You don't have to constantly agree to their demands when you negotiate. It all comes down to being sensible and realistic.

- For instance, your child might not want to go to bed at a specific time. Try instead of insisting

8. Establish a friendly atmosphere in your home.


Children gain knowledge through experience and observation. They will pick up on the behaviour if they often witness their parents arguing. Parental divorce can create a stressful home environment that influences the children's attitude and behaviour. According to a study, marital strife might cause children to become socially withdrawn or even aggressive.

9. Recognize a child's viewpoint

Try to see the scenario from your stubborn child's point of view so you may better understand their actions. Consider what it must be like for your child to be acting in this way by putting yourself in their position. Knowing your child better will help you better manage their tendency toward stubbornness.

10. Encourage good behaviour

You may occasionally be at a loss for how to deal with obstinate kids who act aggressively and with anger. However, if you react without thinking, you might adopt a pessimistic viewpoint about the issue and perhaps unintentionally encourage their bad behaviour.

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