Short stories for kids on Planning vs execution and other stories with moral

1. Belling the Cat.

The Mice once called a meeting to devise a strategy to rid themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At the very least, they hoped to find out when she was coming so they could flee in time. Indeed, something had to be done, for they were so terrified of her claws that they would not leave their caves at night or during the day.

Several plans were explored, but none of them were deemed satisfactory. Finally, a very little Mouse got up and said:

"I have a simple strategy, but I am confident it will be successful. All we have to do is hang a bell around the cat's neck. When we hear the bell ring, we will know quickly that our attacker is approaching."

All of the Mice were amazed that they hadn't thought of such a plan before. While everyone was celebrating their good fortune, an older mouse spoke up and remarked, "I think the young Mouse's plan is excellent." But let me ask you one question: "Who will bell the Cat?"

Moral of the story: It's one thing to suggest something should be done, but quite another to actually execute it.

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2. Two travellers and a bear.

Two men were walking through a woodland when suddenly, a massive bear smashed out of the brush beside them. One of the men, concerned for his own safety, climbed a tree.

The other, unable to battle the wild beast alone, threw himself to the ground and lay motionless, as if dead. He had heard that bears do not touch dead bodies.


It must have been true, because the Bear snuffed at the Man's head for a long before walking away, apparently pleased that he was dead.
The man in the tree climbed down.

"It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear," he went on to say. "What did he tell you?" He replied to the other that it was not wise to associate with someone who would abandon his friend in the face of peril.

MORAL: Misfortune tests true friendship.


3. The Gold Touch

King Midas was extremely greedy. He want more and more wealth. He wasn't happy with what he had. He hoped for a golden touch. He prayed repeatedly. Finally, God Mercury was pleased and granted his wish. According to it, anything the King touched would turn to gold. 


Midas was really thrilled. He touched his bed, and it transformed into a gold bed. He touched the curtains, and they turned gold. He was pleased for a few hours. His servant brought him food. He touched the delectable dish, and it turned to gold. Then his only daughter ran up to him. He stroked her with great tenderness, and she transformed into a beautiful gold figure. When he saw this, he burst into tears. He repented and asked God Mercury to remove the boon. God Mercury reclaimed the boon. Midas was quite satisfied, and he was no longer greedy.

Moral: Greed does not produce anything nice. Family and wellness are more important that wealth


4. Rose & Cactus

A rose once lived in a distant desert. She was very proud of her lovely appearance. Her only concern was the unsightly cactus growing next to her. Every day, the lovely rose would ridicule the cactus' appearance, but the cactus remained silent. The other neighboring plants attempted to make sense of the rose, but she was too influenced by her own looks. 


One sweltering summer, the desert had dried out, and the vegetation had run out of water. The rose was rapidly wilting. Her beautiful petals dried up, losing their vibrant color. While looking at the cactus, she noticed a sparrow drop his beak into it to drink some water. The rose, humiliated, begged the cactus if she might receive some water. The friendly cactus quickly consented, assisting them both as companions through the difficult summer.

The rose learned her lesson and will never judge anybody based on their appearance again.

Moral of the Story: Never judge someone based on the way they look


5.  A glass of milk.

A poor child once went door-to-door selling newspapers to help pay for his education. One day, while walking his route, he began to feel down and weak. The poor boy was hungry, so he decided to ask for food when he arrived next door.

The hungry child repeatedly requested for food but was rejected till he arrived at a girl's door. He requested a drink of water, but the girl returned with a glass of milk. The child inquired about the amount he owed her for the milk, but she rejected payment.

Years later, the girl, now a grown woman, fell ill. She visited several doctors, but none of them were able to cure her. Finally, she visited the greatest doctor in town.
The doctor treated her for months before she was eventually cured. Despite her joy, she was terrified she wouldn't be able to pay the cost. When the hospital delivered her the bill, it said, 'Paid in full, with a glass of milk.'

The Moral: Good deeds never go unrewarded


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