1. All for one paisa
There lived in the valley a wealthy businessman who was dissatisfied with his only son. The youngster showed no signs of intelligence or originality, let alone a willingness to work. His mother, on the other hand, always believed in him and made excuses for him.
When the lad reached the age of marriage, his mother begged the merchant to find him a suitable wife. The merchant, on the other hand, was too ashamed of his sluggish son and had made up his mind not to get him married. But the mother's heart was set on this. She had been looking forward to this for years. It would be unimaginable for her son to spend his entire life alone. She simply refused to consent to this for a time.
So she tried to make excuses for her son. She claimed to have occasionally detected amazing attributes of wisdom and intelligence in him. Her tone irritated the businessman.
"Look here," the merchant told his wife one day as she was praising her kid, "I have heard this many times before, but you have never once proven it. I don't believe any of what you say is true. Mothers are blind. However, to please you, I will give the fool another chance. Send for him and give him this one modest currency, a Rupee. Tell him to go to the bazaar and spend this one Rupee on one item. That one item must include something to eat, drink, chew on and something to grow in the garden"
After giving the youngster the Rupee and explaining these directions, the boy departed from the mother.
He was startled to find himself by the river and pondered, "What may be purchased for a single Rupee to eat, drink, and perform all the other tasks my mother requests? This must be an impossible feat.
The iron smith's daughter appeared at that same moment. She asked the boy, seeing his disgruntled appearance, what was wrong. He disclosed all the instructions given to him by his mother.
Saying, "I know what you can do," she spoke.
The girl said, "Go buy a watermelon with one Rupee" It gives you something to munch on, something to drink and something to plant in the garden. Your parents will be happy when you give it to them.
That's just what the boy did.
The merchant's wife was overjoyed to see how intelligent her kid was.
As soon as her husband got home, she exclaimed to him, "Look, this is our son's work."
"Actually, mother," replied the child, "the daughter of an ironsmith advised me to do this."
Still, the father was pleased that the young man had come up with such a clever fix. They then extended an invitation to the ironsmith's family to supper at their home. The two young people's parents were happy to see their love blossom. The ironsmith's daughter eventually wed the merchant's son, who grew up to be a diligent young husband, and the two of them enjoyed a long and happy marriage.
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2. Sage Valmiki's story
Did you know that in one Indian Village , the mound indicates to the villagers where to dig in order to dig a well? Some people also revere these mounds, which are also called termite mounds.
One of the many children of a sage who lived a long time ago got lost in the wilderness. A couple who were hunters found this infant. The infant was named Ratnakara when they took him in as their own. Raised by the hunter, the boy picked up all of his father's abilities. He even turned to robbing travellers through the jungle when things got hard for them. Ratnakara turned to robbing and thieving as his job.
The wise Narada visited the forest one day. Ratnakara threatened him right away. The wise man questioned him about why he stole and injured people. Ratnakara claimed he did this to provide for his people. Sage Narada said , The people for whom he was robbing would never condone this much less take this karma
Ratnakara hurried to tell his family everything. In response, the family claimed that Ratnakara had a responsibility to provide for them and make them happy and that they should not bear any of the consequences of his wrongdoings. Ratnakara returned to the wise Narada after realizing his error at that very moment. He pleaded with him to show him the proper path in life and to pardon him.
He was encouraged by Sage Narada to sit beneath a tree and recite the Sanskrit word for tree, "mara." He continued chanting, making the sound "Rama, Rama, Rama." He kept on chanting while remaining motionless for millennia. The mound of termites grew over him because he was motionless. He was lifted from the mound by the wise Narada after many years, and since he had emerged from a Valmika ( or mound) , he was given the name Valmiki.
The epic Ramayana was written by the sage Valmiki, who is regarded as the first Sanskrit poet. Additionally, Sita received care from him when she was forced to leave Ayodhya and live by herself in the wilderness. Luv and Kush, Sita's children, were also born in his ashraam.
3. The Friendship Story of Krishna and Sudama
Sudama and Lord Krishna were childhood pals. Sudama did not become rich and prosperous , although Krishna did. Sudama lived in a little hut with his spouse and children, leading the life of a poor Brahman.
His children would often not even get to eat from the charity that Sudama received. So one day his wife advised him to seek assistance from his friend Krishna.
Although Sudama didn't want to see his children suffer, he was hesitant to beg for favors. But, he consented. The day before he left, Sudama's wife handed him some puffed rice that she had borrowed from a neighbor to give as a gift to his friend.
After accepting it, Sudama departed for Krishna's kingdom, Dwaraka. He was in awe of the stunning metropolis. When he arrived at the palace gates, guards blocked his path. Sudama looked bad and was dressed in a tattered dhoti.
Guards saw his appearance and refused to let him inside the palace. At the very least, Sudama asked them to let Krishna know that his friend Sudama had come to see him.
Reluctantly, Guard informed Krishna that a certain Sudama was here to meet him. Krishna dropped what he was doing and raced barefoot to meet his boyhood friend Sudama as soon as he heard that Sudama was there
Krishna gives Sudama a hug, welcomed him to his home, and showed him the deepest affection and regard. While trying to disguise it, Sudama felt embarrassed to give Krishna the rice gift that the impoverished had brought for him. Nevertheless, the all-knowing Krishna asked Sudama to give him the gift that he had brought.
With love, Krishna took those grains of rice and ate them. After spending some time laughing and reminiscing about their early years, Sudama was too moved by his friend's generosity and compassion to approach Krishna for assistance. Without seeking assistance from his friend Krishna, Sudama came back.
When he got home, though, he was shocked to see that his hut had been replaced with a massive mansion and that his wife and children are dressed elegantly.
Sudama came to appreciate how fortunate he was to have Krishna as a close friend. Krishna provided Sudama with what he wanted without even asking.
Moral: You should help your friends . Money should not come between friendship
4. The Story of Danveer Karna
When Arjuna and Shri Krishna were taking a stroll one day, Arjuna asked, "If you permit... Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, you can ask me anything without any hesitation," Krishna grinned in response. Arjuna remarked, "I don't understand why Karna is considered the most generous person of all."
With a smile, Krishna answered, "Yes, I won't just tell you. You can see for yourself."
In an instant, Shri Krishna transformed the two closest hills into gold.
Krishna then gave Arjuna the order to divide the gold from those hills among the residents of the closest village.
Arjuna did as he was told, heading straight to the hill and calling the villagers to give them gold. When the villagers arrived, he made them wait in line before beginning to give them gold one by one.
The villagers began to compliment him. As Arjuna listened to the compliments, he felt pleased. At this point, ego has begun to seep into him.
Arjuna continued to extract gold and distribute it to the villagers for two days and nights in a row. Arjuna was weary and noticed that there was still gold on the hill, despite the villager's return and their long line for gold.
When Arjuna reached Shri Krishna, he was so exhausted that he remarked, "I am tired, I can't do it anymore."
"It's okay," Krishna answered with a smile. You're free to relax."
Karna was summoned by Krishna, who asked him to distribute riches from those gold hills among the peasants. Karna went right away to give the folks gold.
After calling all of the villagers together, Karna declared, "This gold belongs to you. You can take it according to your needs."
Karna said this and then departed. Arjuna was taken aback and perplexed.
"When you were asked to distribute gold, you were deciding about each villager's requirement of gold," Krishna said to Arjuna. You knew that what you were doing was charitable.
Karna, however, simply handed away all the gold and took off. He didn't even wait for applause or encouragement from others. He didn't care what other people thought of him. It's an indication of an enlightened individual."
Arjuna received a lovely response to his query.
Moral: Wishing for Thank You or Congratulations To receive assistance or charity in return will only make it into a transaction. When providing assistance or making a donation, we have to do so without anticipating anything in return.
5. A Busy tiny Ant
There once lived a bustling tiny ant named Anup in a forest. He never took a break from his constant activity, which included sprinting here and there. A careless grasshopper called Guha happened to stop by one day and noticed Anup's diligent effort.
"Anup, why do you put in so much work? Like me, you ought to unwind and enjoy yourselves," Guha exclaimed.
Andy responded, "I have to save up for the winter, so I can survive through the cold months."
"Oh, well, you can address that later. Now go enjoy life!" Guha said, then leaped out.
Winter finally arrived as the season changed. While Anup was well-fed and sheltered in his cozy home, Guha was left starving and suffering in the bitter weather with nothing to eat.
Anup offered to share his food and shelter since he felt bad for Guha. Appreciative of the generosity, Guha took the lesson to heart and vowed to behave more responsibly going forward.
The lesson of the tale is that success in life requires preparation and hard work. You can come to regret it later if you allow enjoyment to divert you from crucial chores.
6. The Cows and the Lion
There once were four cows that resided in the jungle. They used to graze together in the same location every day. Everybody there was pals. A lion once noticed the cows sharing a patch of grass.
The lion set out to get them because he wanted to eat them. Upon spotting the lion, the cows engaged in combat with one another.
The lion was forced to flee. After a few days, the cows began arguing with one another and grazing at different times. The lion murdered each of them individually.
Moral of the story: when we are united no one can harm us
7. Powerful or Faulty
In the jungle stood a majestic teak tree. He was powerful and tall. Beside the tree, there was a little herb.
"I am very strong and handsome," declared the teak tree. I am unbeatable by anyone. The herb said, "Dear friend, too much pride is harmful. One day, even the strong will falter."
Teak disregarded what the herb had to say. He went on to compliment himself.
There was a lot of wind. The teak was erect. The teak stood tall, spreading its leaves even in the downpour.
This is when the herb bowed down. The herb was teased by the teak.
There was a storm in the forest one day. The plant bent deeply. The teak refused to bow, as usual. The storm continued to intensify. The teak was at its breaking point. He sensed his strength faltering. Despite his best efforts, he ultimately lost his balance and fell. That was the proud tree's demise. The herb straightened when the chaos subsided. He surveyed his surroundings. The arrogant teak had fallen, as he saw.
Moral: Arrogance precedes a fall.
8. Ant and Dove
An ant was looking for some water one hot day. She eventually encountered a spring after some time of wandering. She had to climb up a blade of grass to get to the spring. She slipped and fell into the river while climbing.
Had a dove up a nearby tree not noticed her, she could have drowned. The dove swiftly tore off a leaf and put it into the water next to the struggling ant after noticing that it was in difficulty. The ant approached the leaf and ascended it. It quickly brought her safely to dry land. A neighboring hunter was attempting to trap the dove at that very moment by flinging his net in its direction.
Anticipating his next move, the ant promptly bit his heel. As the hunter felt the pain, he let go of his net. The dove took off quickly for safety.
Moral: A kind deed is worthy of another.