Short Stories for Kids - Analysing Problems to find Solutions

Short Story : Brave Grandmother

This story is adapted from a tale from Panchatantra

Long ago, in some part of India there was a village. It was surrounded by mountains.  A humble king ruled that village along with its neighbouring places.

One day, there was a big crowd in front of palace.  A group of people wanted to meet the king. Seeing the crowd, one the doorkeeper went to the king to communicate. The king asked him to send them inside.

The people told the king, were hearing some weird noises at night. They were supposed to be coming from the near-by mountains. The people had tried to ignore it at the beginning, but later it became a pretty obvious. They were scary too. It started to bother them a lot. They wanted the king to help them by sending a few soldiers in the mountains and find out what  was making the noise.

The king called some of his soldiers and asked them to investigate. But after having listened to the narration, none of the soldier wanted to go to the mountains. They were scared of the eerie noise too

Then, an old lady from the group of villagers asked if she could go and check about that matter. Everyone was surprised. The old lady insisted that she wanted to go.

The very next day, the old lady left the village early in the morning. She returned by the evening. She directly went to the king. Everyone was curious to know what news she had brought. She said that it was no monsters or ghosts. They were just monkeys. There was an old temple near the mountain. The monkey had taken the bells which were hung at the temple and had hung them to their trees and play area. So, whenever the monkeys played on the trees or in the area where the bell had kept, the bells created this weird noise.

The king was really surprised and happy to see the enthusiasm of the old lady and her courage to discover the truth.  He appreciated her and scolded the soldiers for not showing the bravery. She was rewarded with riches and a house to live in the vicinity of the palace.

Moral of the Story:

When we face problems, we should analyse and try to solve it. But many times, we just come to a conclusion. Also, bravery is a very important character which we need to inculcate. Reading books about great leaders, kings and freedom fighters will give us the sprit to accept the challenge and face the problems with bravery.

These Short stories for kids are great conversation builders with kids. Our Posters and Flash cards are great conversation starters too. Take a look

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