Discipline your child, but positively

A child will remain a child whether inside or outside the house. When the child’s behaviour is termed as bad, it is important to understand that the standard is set by an adult. A child is just experimenting and is being playful. A curious child tests the limits by not adhering to the rules to understand the red lines by pushing your buttons.

It is easier to teach anything to the child if you shift your orientation, and start seeing it from the child’s point of view. That will open the door to their world and hence makes it easier to see the cause of their bad behaviour. Tackling the problems, and working together with the children towards the solution can result in a happier smoother home. What are the parenting essentials to discipline a child having the perspective in mind?

  1. Underscore The Good Behavior

When you are outside, children most of the time behave badly to seek attention from you. When they do not get it, they throw tantrums, start acting out, whine and what not. Children are very moody, they may behave well too. When they do so, acknowledge their good behavior and reward them. Many psychologists opine that positive feedback registers strongly in a child’s brain. They will try to earn it. By providing a reward for behaving, you can optimistically emphasize desired behaviors.

2. Redirect

Children have tremendously big store of energy. Whenever the child is resisting doing an activity, or is indulged in an activity which maybe dangerous and problematic to self or others, the best thing a parent can do is to redirect them to do something else or distract smartly. By doing so, you are showing him an acceptable alternative. For example, the child has scissors in his hands and wants to cut the blinds, resist the urge to yell at him, bring a set of waste papers for him to cut and help him cut out nice shapes. By doing so, you will show him what is the right thing to do. Later when he is in a good mood, you can explain the consequences of the activity he was previously doing so that he doesn’t repeat it.

3. Consistency Is The Key

Kids respond better when there are consistency and structure in the action and reaction. For example, to set a routine for bedtime, help them change into their night suits, brush their teeth, narrate a story, dim the lights and switch the lights off as you kiss them good night at the time every single day. Such consistent routines will become habits, leaving no space for creative mischief at home at that time. When you are establishing the standards, children are bound to test boundaries. Assert the preset standard every single time firmly. They will surely come around.

4. Patience, Patience and More Patience

When the children are behaving badly, they are certainly not in the mood to listen to you. They think you are silencing their needs, trying to over-power them. You need to get yourself to keep calm and to be a good listener when they are blurting their anger out. There is no better way to guide them other than being empathetic, kind and having a lot of patience, to teach the same thing over and over again to get where you want them to be. The empathy and concern you show to the child will strengthen their relationship with you, hence it will be easier for you to mold.

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