Why is playing chess good for your child

Our brain can work better through a variety of activities. Playing brain-stimulating games like chess, scrabble, and other puzzles is one of the most intriguing approaches. Let's examine how playing chess activates the kid's brain cells and enhances general wellbeing.

Increases critical thinking and logic

Chess is mostly a game of calculation—"if my opponent makes a certain move, I must make one based on that." To win the game, rationality is needed. The logical-thinking abilities of your kid's brain will develop if they play chess as a young student. Players must carefully prepare all of their moves, options, and possibilities. To deal with any unexpected manoeuvres from the opposition, they also need critical thinking (the analysis of data to make a judgement). It is an excellent tool for enhancing their general performance.

Increase focus

Chess is a rewarding game when played with proper focus. But every time you lose a chess piece due to lack of concentration, you pay the price! According to studies, playing chess helps kids' visual attention and concentration significantly. Therefore, increased focus helps kids study more effectively!

Aptitude for solving issues

Chess puts the players in a number of unexpected scenarios. The game requires the player to consider alternative movements and devise impromptu plans. These chess-playing techniques that your kid picks up will be useful later on in life!

Teaches endurance

Chess is all about considering your move before you play. Your prospects of winning can be destroyed by one rash move. Therefore, you must wait before moving a piece. The development of patience, a crucial life ability, occurs when you wait to act or for your adversary to do so.

Having forethought

Chess teaches you to anticipate, organise, and place your movements to block your opponent's pieces. Chess is a great way to practise planning, which will benefit you while you study, play other sports, or just go about your daily business! 

Chess, as opposed to video games, fosters interpersonal connections with your opponents via constructive competition . Chess helps you develop a healthy brain as well as wholesome connections and enduring memories. Therefor it is a very excellent game for kids. You can start chess for kids a early as 5 years of age


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