Tips for parents returning to full time work


You and your child must deal with conflicting feelings as you adjust to the new routine upon returning to work. It's challenging to alternate between joy and guilt. In the midst of these intense feelings, it's critical to create a strategy that won't harm your child. Here are a few pointers and checklists to help you both move smoothly.


1. A prepared visual depiction

Children benefit from anticipating things. Use a calendar to mark the days that correspond to being prepared. They will be informed if you say things like, "Mommy won't be here when you get home from school." Inform them of what happens in the interim and the time they might expect to see you again to allay their concerns.

2. Making the most of the break

For both parents and kids, going back to work provides advantages. It allows parents to show their children that they have a social life outside of the home. Children can learn new skills now that they have them available to them.

3. Acceptance is advantageous

Even though things might not go smoothly at first, it's crucial to know that you're doing your best. It is unfair to everyone to put too much pressure on you or your child to adjust to rapid changes. The option of spoiling your youngster as they adjust to the change is welcome.

4. Always allow for connecting time

It's important to set aside some time just for your child, regardless of your work schedule. Your youngster will understand their importance to you with the help of your undivided attention. This activity shows your affection for your child and benefits their emotional and mental health.

5. Evaluate their conduct

Treat your child's inappropriate behaviour with empathy. Handle everything with care, whether it's a challenge to fall asleep at night or a temper tantrum in the morning.

It's just a method for them to express how unhappy they are with everything.

In addition to all the psychological considerations, you must make sure that this new adjustment takes their daily routine, time for leisure activities, and household and professional obligations into account.

Everything else will be taken care of as a result of creating and assessing the checklists.


A. Workplace preparation

1. Speak with your manager to learn more about what to expect during your first week of work.

2. Plan your outfits in advance and shop early if necessary.

3. Speak with your HR to learn the day and hour that you should return.

4. Keep your laptop bag, diary, and other things nearby.

B. Homefront preparation

1. Decide on your monthly spending limit and schedule your meals—at home or out—accordingly.

2. Stock up on enough food for a week.

3. Create a menu in advance.

4. Select your preferred restaurants.

5. Choose the days you will leave and arrive at work early and late.

6. Set aside a day (probably a Sunday) to clean the house.

7. Prepare your child's and your own laundry in advance.

C. Get ready for your kid

1. Locate a daycare and learn about its needs.

2. Pay the daycare centre on time with your payments.

3. Make a list of phone numbers to call in an emergency.

4. Try running from your house to the daycare and your place of employment.

5. Create a reliable schedule.

6. Pack a bedsheet, a change of clothes, and their suitcase.

D. Get ready for the good times you two will have.

1. A get-together with a pal.

2. Taking your youngster to the park.

3. A haircut that makes your hair-care routine easier.

4. Some personal downtime.

5. Engaging in indoor activities with your child, such as cooking.

Being an integral part of your child's early years and maintaining a work-life balance are both crucial. Please let us know in the comments if you tried any of these tips and how they worked out for you.

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