Once there was a girl, her name was Ria. She was a very respectful child and would listen to her parents. She would be nice to kids younger than her and very respectful towards elders.
In school she had a friend named Kadir. They used to play together and eat lunch together and do everything together. It so happened that Kadir’s mother got a job in another part of the city and the family decided to shift. Kadir also joined another school. Ria was left friendless.
Ria became very stressed as a person. She started behaving badly. She would throw her food. Show extreme disrespect to her mother. She stopped focusing on studying. If you asked her anything she would respond back rudely.
Her mother and father were understanding at first. They told her she could try and make new friends, but she was so rude most kids would avoid her , this led to further increased rude behaviour.
Her mother was at wits end and one day in an exasperated and stressed mood she prayed to God to teach Ria a lesson.
Next morning, as usual Ria woke up in a bad mood . When her mother served her idlis, she threw them on the floor. There was a sudden loud noise and a small horn erupted on Ria’s head. She was absolutely distraught. She started screaming at the mother and suddenly the horn grew a little bigger.
She went to school and all the kids were laughing at her, she hit some of them and once again the horn grew a bit more. By evening, when she reached home her horn was about 2 inches long.
She was in tears and was crying on the bed. Her mother and father came to her bedroom and said,” May be the horn is growing big each time you behave badly, so try and be respectful and not be rude, maybe it won't grow any longer.”
Ria went to sleep with this thought in mind and the next morning when her mom gave her food she ate it. In school too when she was being teased at by people, she did not behave badly.
By the time she reached home, her horn had not grown. It did not grow small either . Ria decided that she will continue to be on good behaviour. As she behaved better, people started behaving better towards her. She was beginning to have a good time in life. She made a few friends again.
One day, she saw that her mom was getting late to work so she went into the kitchen and helped her mom, suddenly with a pop sound the horn grew a little shorter and she realised that good deeds would make the horn grow shorter.
She started helping her mom with the kitchen and she started helping her dad with the cleaning of the house and every activity reduced the size of the horn. One morning she woke up with no horn . Ria had learned her lesson. Never again did she behave badly. She went to be a doctor and helped poor people with her healing skills
Moral of the story:
We must always be respectful. In real life we may not grow a horn by behaving badly but our bad behaviour makes other people treat us badly and when we are in need, there will be no one to help us.
Short stories are a good way to teach kids morals and a great way to teach them behaviour rules. Our good behaviour rules poster is a also a good way to teach kids good behaviours do take a look