Short stories for kids on being thankful of our present situation


An army of frogs lived together in a pond. They had so much freedom and good time together. Soon they were tired of governing themselves. All day they did nothing but sit around croaking in a bored manner and wishing for a government that would entertain them with the pomp and royalty. They expected to be ruled in a way that will make them feel being ruled. The frogs sent petition to planet Jupiter, the lord of kings, asking for a government. Jupiter thought what foolish creatures they are. So, to fulfill their wish he threw a huge log, which fell in their pond with a big splash. Seeing the log, the frogs hid themselves behind the reeds and bushes, thinking the new king to be some fearful monster. But they found the log king to be tame and peaceful. Soon the small frogs started using the log king as their diving platform and the older frog used the log as their meeting place. They complained to Jupiter about the log king’s inefficiency to rule them.

To teach them a very good lesson, Jupiter sent them a Crane king to frog land. They crane proved to bedifferent sort of king than the log king. The crane started gobbling up the poor frogs right and left. The frogs complained to Jupiter, the lord of kings to take the tyrant back from their beloved frog land.The older frogs still wished for a good governance, and again appealed to Jupiter. This time Jupiter sentthem a ferocious Snake as their king. No good came to the frog from their king. The snake was more dangerous than the crane king. The snake gulped a whole lot of frogs in no time. Now the frog land is reduced to half of its inmates. The older frogs wished for the snake king to be taken
back. They requested Jupiter to do so.

The older frogs realized the value of freedom. They started to govern themselves the way they did earlier. All frogs lived peacefully and realized the problems they created for letting others to govern them, who were not even from their own frog family. The frog land was a much happier place now. Jupiter, the lord of kings was very content that the frogs have learnt their lesson, after taking huge losses. The frog land never appealed to Jupiter for any problems they faced, instead they solved the problems themselves.

Moral of the story:Make sure to improve your condition, before you seek for a change.


Short stories are a great way for kids to build important skills. If you like these stories you are sure to like our motivational posters for kids. Do take a look

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