As a parent, you may have questioned how to best teach your children to make good decisions. Setting firm limits in your house is one method to help your children succeed.
Physical limitations. This limitation can be physical and observable, such as one's own body parts. This entails explaining to a child that his body belongs entirely to him and that no one else can teach him how to create a feeling of his physical self. Explaining that "Daddy's body belongs to him" and "Your body belongs to you" is a wonderful starting point.
Emotional limits. Another form of boundary is one that is more emotional than physical. An example of an emotional boundary is teaching youngsters that it is not acceptable to speak harmful things to others. Teasing is another approach to test someone's emotional boundaries.
Boundaries are rules that you must follow. Living with boundaries essentially means "I won't do anything to harm you" and "I expect you not to do anything to harm me, but if you do, I'll let you know."
Boundaries in Education:
1. It is critical to allow your children to have and express their own feelings when teaching them good boundaries. This one can be difficult because it is not uncommon for some parents to try to repress their child's healthy behavioural expression.
2. For example, as a parent, what would you do if your 4-year-old started weeping and stomping her feet? Helping your 4-year-old label her feelings is one helpful method for ensuring she establishes appropriate limits. "I see you're frustrated because you can't have the candy right now," say. "Perhaps you could have some candy after dinner." Then get on with your life.
3. You assisted her in labelling her emotions. You opted not to chastise her, insist she stop sobbing, or tell her to "straighten up right now." You simply demonstrated acceptance of your child's sentiments as a parent. When you act in this manner as a parent, you reinforce your child's inherent sense of self and limits.
4. A two- or three-year-old throwing a toy at their sibling is another example. Again, inform your youngster that having and expressing anger is fine, but throwing a toy at others is not. Show no emotions during the episode. It is time to be polite when establishing boundaries. Be firm without becoming annoyed or furious.
5. Simply say, "It is not acceptable to throw a toy at your brother." When you chuck a toy, you have to sit in a chair," and then say nothing else for the next few minutes. Allow your child to sit in a chair for the number of minutes that corresponds to their age (for example, if they are two years old, they sit for two minutes; if they are three years old, they sit for three minutes).
6. When the timer goes off, thank your youngster for sitting in the chair and go about your business. Hopefully, your child will not toss another toy. Instead, he or she will notice that you allowed them to have and express sentiments without repercussions as long as they stayed inside your boundaries.
7. It is totally normal for your children to periodically "test the limit" or defy your boundary. When these testing behaviors arise, consider each circumstance an opportunity to demonstrate to your children the consequences of crossing the queue.
8. There will be occasions when you feel it is necessary to clarify some boundary circumstances or "rules" to your child. For example, teaching your child that no one other than a doctor should touch him or her where their swimming suit fits when Mom or Dad is around is an effective way to educate limits and boundaries about his or her own body.
Boundaries in Modelling
1. Finally, the single most effective strategy to teach children appropriate boundaries is for parents to have healthy limits and model them in the home.
2. Respecting each person in the house, ensuring everyone has the right to their feelings and acceptable manifestations of them, and discussing any difficult matters openly and honestly display good boundaries for children.
3.You are responsible for teaching your children many things from the time they are born in order for them to grow up and make good decisions in life. Teach your children about limits and boundaries to help them live happier, healthier lives.
4. Parents who teach their children about limitations and boundaries lay a firm basis for their children's futures. Applying some of these methods in your home to teach your children about setting and maintaining healthy limits and boundaries will help them thrive.