Parent Teacher Communication

Establishing a regular and consistent communication with your child’s teacher helps in your child’s academic growth and overall development. Beyond the Parent- Teacher meeting, here are a few other ways to stay in constant touch

1. Leaving study notes in their Homework copies. It could be a question or an observation of where your child struggled

2.Volunteering in a class activity.

3.Dropping an email.

Listed below are a few points that will help in positive parent-teacher communication:

  1. Warmth: . Whether you choose to communicate via, phone, email, notes or face-to-face, being polite and courteous is always a good gesture to maintain a positive and open relationship with your child’s teacher, it paves way for a healthy relationship.
  2. Nurturing trust: The basic element of any relationship is trust. Parents need to trust their child’s teachers. When speaking to their teacher assure them that their conversation will be confidential and you trust that they mean well for your child.
  3. Regular communication: As a parent, make sure you communicate often with your child’s teacher. Even if it is to just wish them a good day or greet them, have a quick exchange of words to keep the communication consistent.
  4. Acknowledge their valuable contribution: As parents, we feel the teacher must teach, yes that is true, however a little appreciation goes a long way, as a parent we should acknowledge what feedback a teacher gives for your child. Make them feel that their inputs will be put to use.
  5. Ask questions: Have an open mind while dealing with your child’s teacher and clear any air of confusion the minute it arises.

About the Author:

Vineeta Thomas : Mom to a Littel Munchking | Educator | Teacher | Book Worm | Cat Lover


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