Moral Short stories for kids on Ego and Greed

Short Story 1: Midas’ touch

Midas, was king of a small country. He once performed a kind gesture for a Saty. Dionysus, the god of wine, was happy with this and  granted him a wish.

Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus begged Midas to reconsider.  But, Midas was adamant and claimed that this was a magnificent request. Even though Dionysus tried to warn him, Midas did not listen and finally his wish was granted.

Midas was overjoyed with his newly acquired abilities and began touching everything, turning it into pure gold.

After sometime, Midas started feeling hungry. He discovered he couldn't consume his food .As he picked up the food In his hands, it had changed to gold.

Midas complained in hunger, "I'll starve! This wish may not have been so wonderful after all.

Moral of the story:

Midas was very greedy in this story. Greed always leads to loss.

Short Story 2: The rose that wilted

Once upon a time, in a distant desert, there lived a rose who was incredibly proud of her attractive appearance. Her only gripe was that she was surrounded by an unsightly cactus.

The handsome rose would make fun of and abuse the cactus every day while the latter stayed silent. The surrounding plants all attempted to reason with the rose, but she was too influenced by her appearance.

The desert dried up during one particularly hot summer, leaving little water for the vegetation. The rose rapidly started to wilt. Her lovely petals withered and lost their vibrant colour.

She noticed a sparrow dipping his beak into the cactus to take some water as she turned to face it. The rose was humiliated, but enquired if she may receive some water from the cactus. The sympathetic cactus agreed, supporting them both as companions through the challenging summer.

Moral of the story: 

Never be proud about external features . They can wilt away. A person’s nature is his true strength and he should work towards nurturing kindness.


Short Story 3: The Goose that laid a golden egg

A farmer once owned a goose that produced one golden egg daily. The farmer and his wife received enough money from the egg to cover their daily expenses. For a very long period, the farmer and his wife were content.

The farmer, however, questioned why they should only take one egg per day one day. Why can't we purchase them all at once and profit greatly? The farmer's wife mistakenly agreed to his plan after hearing it from him.

The farmer was quick with a sharp knife the following day as the goose laid its golden egg. In an effort to uncover all of the goose's golden eggs, he murdered the bird and cut open its stomach.

But, when he opened the stomach, all he discovered was blood and guts.

The farmer immediately realised his stupid error and started crying over his lost resource. The farmer and his wife got poorer and poorer as the days passed. How naive and cursed they were.

Moral of the story:

The farmer was greedy and his greed of wanting all the golden eggs made him lose his most important resource


Short Story 4: Birbal story on cheating

A farmer purchased a neighbor's well one day while searching for a water source for his land. Yet the next-door neighbour was sly. The farmer attempted to utilise his well the following day, but the neighbour forbade him from doing so.

The neighbour responded, "I sold you the well, not the water," when the farmer questioned why. The farmer, who was devastated, went to the emperor to request justice. He gave an account of what took place.

One of the emperor's nine most knowledgeable courtiers, Birbal, was summoned. Birbal then asked the neighbour, "Why don't you allow the farmer to use the well?" You did give the farmer the well, right?

"Birbal, I did sell the well to the farmer, but not the water inside of it," the neighbour retorted. He has no right to use the well's water.

Birbal was a clever man. He immediately remarked,"Look, you don't have the right to keep the water in the farmer's well since you sold the well. Either you give the farmer rent, or you take it out right away.”

 The neighbour apologised after realising his plan had failed and left for home.

Moral of the story:

Cheating never helps any one. The neighbour was greedy and tried to cheat the farmer for his own gains but he never succeeded


Short story 5: The Miser and his gold

An elderly miser formerly resided in a home with a garden. In his garden, the elderly miser used to bury all of his gold pieces beneath stones.

The miser counted his coins in his garden each night before he went to bed. Every day he went about his business as usual, but he never spent a single golden penny.

A robber noticed the elderly miser hiding his coins one day. The thief went to the hiding location and snatched all the gold when the elderly miser returned to his home.

The old man discovered it was missing the next day as he went outside to count his coins and began wailing loudly. When his neighbour overheard the cries, they both rushed over to investigate. The neighbour said, "Why didn't you just save the money inside your house where it would've been safe?" after knowing what had happened.

"Having it inside the house would make it easier to reach when you need to buy anything," the neighbour continued. I was never going to spend my gold, the miser replied when asked to "buy something."

The neighbour picked up a stone and flung it after hearing this. "If that's the case, then save the stone," he continued. It is equally worthless to you as the gold you lost.

Moral of the story:

Just possessing something without using is equal to not possessing it at all


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