Empowering Self Affirmations for kids to boost children’s confidence.

In a very fast changing world, the most important skill that children can learn is the confidence in their own capabilities. 

When they are young we can be around to help them believe in their capabilities, but as they grow older, they need to have their own mechanisms to do this.

There are many ways to boost self confidence in children, one of the tried and tested ways is affirmations

What are affirmations:

Affirmations are short positive statements about a person’s traits and capabilities. 

“ You are brave” is an affirmation statement.  Affirmations build a person’s confidence levels

Scientific research has proven that affirmations about self are also equally effective in boosting self confidence. “ I am Brave “ is an affirmation that kids can read and repeat to themselves daily, if they are say afraid of the dark or afraid to stay in the room alone. Slowly they build the confidence to be actually brave

How do we make affirmations work?

Affirmations need to be repeated often for the child to start believing them. So, what are some of the ways we can make affirmations work for our kids

  1. If the kid is old enough to write, we can make them write the affirmations in the morning. They can maintain a journal or a notebook and write it down daily

  2. The family can practise affirmation time. The time in which they say affirmations about themselves out lout

  3. The kid can say the affirmations to themselves

Here are a list of 6 affirmations and why they are good.


  1. I am Strong

Children see adults around them and start thinking that they are weak. But that is not the case. This affirmation can be used, to help children when they feel weak. I am strong and i can work on being strong 

  1. I am brave

Kids often thing that being brave is not being scared. But that is not the case You are brave only when you are scared. Children can use this affirmation when they are scared, so that they become brave to face their fears

  1. I am smart

Once again, children sometimes end up thinking that being smart is an innate quality. That is actually not so . Being smart means putting in the hours of effort to be good at something . When children use the affirmation “ I Am smart”, it enables them to think that they need to work had to be smart

  1. I am Kind

We cannot control how others are towards us. But we cam definitely be kind to them. When children say I am kind it means that they are learning to use kind words and do kind deeds

  1. I am loved

In the rush of the day to day, we often don't tell children we love them. As the kids grow older too there wont be too many occasions when we are expressive about how much we as parents love them. It is a great idea to include I am loved as a daily affirmation 

  1. I am amazing

It is common for children and even adults to feel lacking. We face a myriad of challenges daily and we fail at some and succeed at some. But often we end up feeling like we are not enough or not doing enough, I am amazing is a great way to remind ourselves that we are amazing the way we are and we are enough

Please take a look at our affirmation posters for kids and growth mindset posters and banners for kids

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