Animal fun quiz flashcards for kids - Chimpanzee


The above card is from the Animal Fun Flashcard in the Creative Brain series of Flashcards

  1. Chimps have long arms which extend over their knees, and they're covered with dark hair all over their bodies. They have flat faces with big eyes, a small nose, and a wide mouth.
  2. Chimps are not monkeys, although both are members of the group of mammals known as primates. In facts Chimpanzees are Apes. And not just any apes, they are members of the great ape family or Hominidae.
  3. Chimpanzees share 98.7% DNA with humans. Scientists say Chimpanzees and Humans share the same ancestor of evolutionary origin.
  4. Chimpanzees live in large communities like humans. Unlike other primates like monkeys and Gorillas who live in groups
  5. The chimpanzee's habitat needs to have a water supply and lots of different kinds of fruits for the species to survive. Chimps are omnivores, so they eat fruits, nuts, leaves, and seeds, as well as insects and sometimes even small mammals.
  6. Chimpanzee communities have classes. Within a community of chimps are three classes; upper class, middle class, and lower class, and of course, the higher the class the more privileges a chimp gets, the same as in human communities.
  7. Animals with thumbs, can oppose their thumbs to the other fingers and thus grab or work on things more easily. Other animals with opposable thumbs are the great pandas, red pandas, koalas, opossums, other primates, and chameleons. Humans as well have thumbs like this.
  8. Chimpanzees eat specific plants when they are ill or injured. They clean their intestines from parasites by feeding on certain leaves.
  9. Chimpanzees crack nuts using stones and use thin sticks to get delicious termites out of their mound. Even though chimpanzees are supposed to be the world’s most intelligent animals, they are not the only ones to use tools. Amongst others, orangutans, ravens, elephants, and otters also are capable of this.
  10. Chimpanzees vote for their leaders in communities. Unlike in other primates like monkeys and gorillas where the most powerful becomes the leader of the group, chimpanzees are highly democratic and vote for their leaders depending on the competencies and skills a chimp possesses. They do change leaders every now and then once a leader becomes unpopular.
  11. Chimpanzees have binocular vision. Chimps have incredible eyesight that is said developed to spot snakes in the thick jungle.
  12. Besides zoos, chimpanzees are only found on the continent of Africa. Twenty-one of the countries in Africa has chimps. They prefer tropical rainforests, but you can also find them in the woodlands and grasslands. They like to sleep in trees and make nests out of leaves.
  13. They spend a lot of time acting up, playing, and chatting with other chimpanzees from their group. Sometimes they will groom each other, combing and looking through each other's thick fur and picking out dirt and insects. Grooming helps chimps feel comfortable and friendly.
  14. In order to communicate, chimpanzees primarily use their body language. They clap their hands for instance or groom each other. Yet, they also communicate how they are feeling with their facial expressions. Chimpanzees communicate like humans do, by kissing, embracing, patting each other on the back, and even tickling each other.
  15. Chimps are nicknamed 'knuckle walkers' because they use their knuckles as support when they walk. A full-grown chimp has five or six times the strength of a human being. Baby chimps have a white tail tuft when they're young, but it disappears as they mature











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  1. How do chimpanzees communicate?
  2. Their community has how many classes?
  3. What helps chimpanzees to grab or work on things easily?
  4. What do they eat when they are ill?
  5. What are chimpanzees nicknamed?
  6. How do they select their leaders?
  7. Do Chimpanzees live in groups are communities?
  8. In which continent are chimpanzees found?


  1. Chimpanzees primarily use their body language, facial expressions, patting, kissing, and tickling.
  2. Community of chimps is three classes; upper class, middle class, and lower class.
  3. Opposable thumbs.
  4. Eat specific plants when they are ill or injured.
  5. Chimps are nicknamed 'knuckle walkers' because they use their knuckles as support when they walk.
  6. Chimpanzees are highly democratic and vote for their leaders depending on the competencies and skills a chimp possesses.
  7. Chimpanzees live in communities like humans. Chimpanzees live in communities that can be as large as 100+ chimps.
  8. They are mostly found in the African continent.

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Saffura is a mother of three. She is a yoga instructor and has spent a lot of time teaching yoga for children. She narrates numerous stories to inculcate moral values in children, as she is certain that yoga is for the body and soul. As a mother and yoga instructor,  She enjoys new tasks and likes multitasking. She truly believes that will mould her into a strong writer. As a writer she does a lot of research and pays keen attention to details.



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