A parent's role is to prepare their children to be adults who can care for themselves and overcome obstacles. It is not an easy task. Parents must set proper limits for their children, see them fail, and allow them to feel the repercussions of their behavior. Parents must sometimes suffer shrieks of "I hate you!" or other hurtful words.
Parenting is about supporting children while they make their own mistakes, take on age-appropriate tasks, think for themselves, and solve their own problems. It is up to you how you do this.
Children who do not learn may reach the adult world miserably unprepared, if not scared, because they do not know how to build relationships, wash their laundry, or handle their money. "They get in over their heads because they don't really know what their own capacity is," Mulholland says.
4 types of parenting
Parenting styles are classified into four types: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful. You are not required to stick to a single style. Different styles are natural in different settings. When a child's safety is at jeopardy, a parent may adopt a strict authoritarian approach that provides no room for bargaining. However, a parent may suspend punishment and adopt a liberal attitude to encourage a teenager to seek help if they place themselves in a perilous situation.
"As parents, we're all doing the best we can each day," Mulholland says. "Our intentions are always good, but we struggle to execute based on our current capacity." As a parent, give yourself a break and recognize your own limitations. All of the advice in this post is for when you are at your best, not something you can do all of the time."
Here's an explanation of each of the four styles.
1. Parenting style that is authoritative
Authoritative parenting is frequently regarded as the optimum method due to its combination of warmth and flexibility while clearly indicating that the parents are in charge. (3) Children of authoritative parents are aware of their responsibilities. Their parents explain the rules and the consequences for breaking them. Parents listen to their children's thoughts as well, but the parent is the ultimate decision maker.
Close, loving ties are formed between authoritative parents and their children. Children raised by forceful parents tend to be self-assured, responsible, and capable of managing their emotions. They are also friendly, inquisitive, and goal-oriented.
What is a good example of authoritative parenting?
One place where parenting style shows is at mealtimes. Instead of imposing strict restrictions, authoritative parents have more family meals where they model eating behaviors. The children will help their parents prepare meals. Perhaps the child will select the main course or a side dish once a week. According to research, children of authoritative mothers have a higher quality diet and consume more fruits than children of other parenting styles.
2. Parenting style that is permissive
Permissive parents may take satisfaction in becoming their child's best friend. These parents are kind and loving, and they communicate openly. They actively participate in their children's emotional well-being. They also have poor standards and employ discipline sparingly. Permissive parents allow their children to make their own decisions while also bailing them out if things go wrong.
Children of permissive parents have the freedom to make decisions like what to eat, when to go to bed and whether to do their homework. These kids have high self-esteem and social abilities. However, they can be impetuous, demanding, and lack self-control. Permissive parents frequently want to regulate their child's environment so that the child does not have to face rejection or failure. This implies that the youngster may enter adulthood unprepared.
What is a good example of permissive parenting?
Permissive parents may have lenient standards when it comes to food. They enable the children to choose what they want, even if that means the parents create a special supper. This could lead to picky eating and unhealthy diet choices. Permissive parenting is connected with reduced fruit and vegetable eating. It may also lead to inexperience in attempting new things or going with the flow, as well as trouble in social situations involving eating.
3. Parenting style that is authoritarian
To control a child's conduct, authoritarian parenting employs rigorous rules, high expectations, and punishment. Authoritarian parents have high standards and are unwilling to bend. Children may not even realize a rule exists until they are penalized for breaking it.
Children of authoritarian parents are good listeners and behave well. These children, however, may grow up with a dread of punishment and a lack of experience making their own judgments. As a result, some people may become aggressively defiant, lack social skills, and struggle to make sensible judgments on their own.
What is a good example of authoritarian parenting?
Authoritarian parents may impose regulations during mealtimes, such as requiring their children to eat the same food as everyone else or to finish everything on their plate. The family, on the other hand, is unlikely to talk about why they eat specific meals and how they fit into their culture or affect a child's health.
4. Negligent parenting style
Neglectful parents meet their child's basic necessities but then ignore him or her. These parents provide little caring and have few expectations or limits for their child. It's not usually an intentional decision made by parents, but it might be pushed by circumstances such as the necessity to work late shifts, single parenting, mental health issues, or overall family problems.
Children raised by neglectful parents are more likely to be tough and self-sufficient as a result of necessity. They may have problems controlling their emotions, developing appropriate coping methods, and establishing social relationships. They have low self-esteem and may look for improper role models.
What is an example of a careless parenting style?
Uninvolved parents may not buy groceries or organize meals on a regular basis. This may cause the child to be apprehensive about when they will next eat. It may cause kids to become obsessed with food. Children raised by neglectful parents frequently overeat when food is available and may become overweight. However, when the time comes, these children frequently have an easier time leaving home.