Siblings frequently fight while playing games or eating their favourite foods. As one grows older, they become sweet and unpleasant childhood memories. However, a scenario in which siblings damage each other or get jealous might lead to sibling rivalry.
Sibling rivalry can be exacerbated by unfair parental behaviour.
"Most sibling rivalries are caused by parental favouritism and unfair treatment." When one child outperforms another, parents tend to compare them rather than appreciating each child as an individual. The role of the parents is critical. Instead of establishing a competition, they should present the achievement as incentive,
Fights between siblings are common. Another mistake that parents make is expecting no fights between them and treating the fights very poorly,
How can sibling rivalry be avoided?
- If one child outperforms the other, the parents must guarantee that the latter is also motivated.
- Promote teamwork by assigning chores that siblings can complete together.
- Parents should treat their children as individuals and provide each child unique attention.
- They must not compel the younger sibling to make the same life decisions as the elder.
- Children should be taught emotional regulation.
- A youngster must learn to share items such as books, toys, or food in order to foster peace.
How do you foster a healthy sibling relationship?
In order to foster a good connection, parents should assign their children duties (such as cleaning or other domestic chores) that require them to work together rather than compete. Once the kids realise this, working together will be easier than working alone Furthermore, a link will form on its own compromise and adaptability are crucial between siblings. If the children learn to share and adjust,they will have a good relationship with everyone.