Short Stories for Kids -Regrets
Actions have consequences. Everyone has read that and heard that at some point of life. But some actions or so to say, lack of actions can have lifelong consequences that one might not be prepared for.
For a long time, Abhinav had wanted to have a puppy. After much pleading and discussions, his parents relented and brought Tuffy home. He was a cute, enthusiastic puppy who took immediate liking to everyone at home.
“Now that Tuffy is here, don’t forget what we discussed. We will help out but you will be his primary caregiver. You will have to take him out for walks daily, bathe him, clean his mess, and play with him.” Said Abhinav’s mom.
“Yes, Ma. I remember.” Said Abhinav playing with Tuffy. Everyone was happy looking at the playing duo.
Tuffys’s bed was set up in Abhinav’s room and soon they became inseparable. Every morning Tuffy would wake him up by jumping on his bed or sometimes licking his face. They would go for morning and evening walks, and have food together. Abhinav became Tuffy’s favorite in the family.
It was all going good till it was vacation time but once schools started, things started to change slowly but surely. Tuffy would wait eagerly for Abhinav during school hours and follow him everywhere once he was back.
Slowly, Abhinav started shirking his responsibilities towards Tuffy on others citing excuses such as school work or tiredness
He stopped giving him baths or taking him on walks. He would hurriedly run off with his friends saying he will be back soon for the walk but won’t come back till it’s late in the evening. His parents were noticing the changes in his behavior and tried many times to remind and rectify it but to no avail. In all this, Tuffy was the most hurt. He wasn’t his jovial happy self as he was earlier. He was missing his favorite human and it was clearly noticeable in the way his eyes kept waiting for him.
Abhinav’s dad took over the walks and his mom started bathing him. But it wasn’t the same. One weekend, they sat him down and said, “We have noticed you are not spending as much time with Tuffy nowadays.”
“Yeah… it’s been busy with school and work” said Abhinav.
“Tuffy misses you.” His dad said softly.
“Yeah…” Abhinav said in a barely audible voice.
“We discussed it prior to getting Tuffy. You agreed to it but now you are not doing anything.” His mom said.
“But Ma, I am doing all that I can. I hardly have any time to play with him.” Whined Abhinav.
“You won’t get time for anything in life. For everything whether it be studying, playing, working, or even resting, you have to make time.” Said his mom firmly.
“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stop studying to play with him?” asked Abhinav angrily.
“We want you to manage your time in a way so as to include Tuffy.” His mom said.
“You can get up half an hour early to take him out for a walk, play with him instead of playing your video games, spend some time cuddling with him before bed, give him a bath on the weekends, there are many things you can do but you have to be willing to do it.” His dad said.
Abhinav didn’t say anything so his dad continued, “Listen, we are not asking you to do everything but we do expect you to not ignore him.”
“We are not against you, Abhi. We are with you, always here to help you, guide you but you have to be open to accept that you need help.” Said his mom.
Abhinav still didn’t say anything, just avoided eye contact with either of them. They both sighed before dad said, “We are giving you one month time. If we don’t see any effort from your side to care for Tuffy then sadly we will have to give Tuffy to someone who would look after him better.”
“What!” exclaimed Abhinav in shock, “You can’t do that”
“We honestly don’t want to do that either.” Said his mom.
“Then why are you guys saying this?” asked Abhinav.
“Because Tuffy deserves better.” His mom said.
“He is happy here. I know dad takes him for a walk and you give him baths, cleans his mess, Grandma Caresses his fur and rubs his belly while watching TV. He is happy here.”Abhinav said trying to change his parents' mind.
“Yes, we do all that. What do you do?” asked his dad.
“I… I… He sleeps with me and wakes up with me.” Said Abhinav
“And what else?” asked his dad.
“I… I give him food.” Abhinav said weakly.
“You pass him the food that you don’t want to eat. When was the last time you actually filled his food bowl with his food?” asked his mom.
Abhinav didn’t have anything to say.
“This is the reason we are giving you this time to reflect and do something because Tuffy loves you. He doesn’t want much but just some time with you.” His mom said.
Abhinav agreed to the deal and for the first week or so, he put in a conscious effort. He woke up early, not so early to be able to go for a walk but enough to spend some time with Tuffy, rubbing his belly and throwing his disc for him to fetch. A few times he filled his food and water bowl. One time he even took him out for a run. But it was all only for some time. As days passed, things started going back to the way they were before the last discussion.
A month passed and his parents were in a dilemma on what to do. Sadly, Abhinav didn’t even realize his one month mark was over. They decided to wait for a week more.
Another week passed and things stayed as they were. With a heavy heart, they again sat Abhinav down and said, “Your cousin will be here tomorrow to pick up Tuffy. He will stay with him from now.”
“You can’t do that. Tuffy is mine.” Abhinav shouted.
“We know you are upset.” His mom said when Abhinav interjected, “no. I won’t give him. He is mine.”
“We gave you many chances but you didn’t use any of them. We are truly sorry but what’s done is done. He will be here tomorrow. And you can visit Tuffy anytime you want. He is with your cousin only not a stranger.”
Abhinav teared up as his mom hugged him and said, “We are sad too but this is what’s best for Tuffy.”
That night Abhinav cried a lot and slept with Tuffy on his bed hugging him.
The next day, his cousin came over to pick up Tuffy. Abhinav gave him a tight hug and whispered, “I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I love you.”
Tuffy woofed and licked his face
Why Short stories for kids:
This is a beautiful story to teach kids that you need to be responsbile for decisions you make. Having a pet is not an easy task and it is a godo idea to make kids read this story if its is an ongoing disucssion at home
Short stories are a good way to have conversations . Please do check out our other conversation starter products - maps, posters and flashcards
Our posters, maps and flashcards are some screen free way for kids to build knowledge and have conversations and interact
Manisha Sanghi - A lively mom to a witty toddler who loves baking not only stories but also cookies and cakes