Goal setting techniques for kids and adults

Imagine that you are now a resident of the city of your dreams. You've just finished working another day at a job you persisted in getting. You make the decision to ride to the neighbourhood cafe to meet an old buddy. Together, you think back to your school days when you used to dream of relaxing vacations, beautiful dawn photos, and painting your cosy apartment a cherry colour. It's hard to imagine that all of those things actually came true.

Are these images from the future for you? Or does this seem like a wish list that hasn't been written down? We all have life objectives that we establish for ourselves and hope to accomplish. And there are numerous approaches to achieve these objectives. Among them is

What Is Journaling for My Future Self?

It is, to put it plainly, the act of writing a letter to one's future self. where you describe where you wish to be in the next few months or years. It resembles a bucket list of your aspirations. It is a type of journaling where you record specifics about the future you envision for your life. You might wonder why you ought to practise this kind of journaling. Well, to start with, it is a productive technique to process emotions related to your aspirations and dreams.

Why Would You Want to Try This Mindful Approach?

Essentially, future self journaling is the process of writing down your vision of a successful future for oneself. You consciously carve out your destiny in this place. According to studies, when we visualise the goals we have for ourselves, our minds and bodies are unable to distinguish between reality and a daydream. Because visualisation enables you to retrain your brain to create new neural patterns consistent with that version of you, future self journaling is a powerful tool. Additionally, when you write down your goals, your mind records them, which influences how you make decisions.

Writing a letter to your future self has several advantages.

1. You'll become more self-aware, which will enable you to make wiser decisions and accomplish your objectives more quickly.

2. By outlining your goals and methods in writing, you'll have a strategy in place and suffer less stress.

3. Your thoughts and emotions will be more understandable. Your reflection will assist you in finding solutions.

4. Because you are clear on what you want, you will be able to take better care of yourself and make better judgments.

5. Because you will see the future positively, you will feel excited about it.

The Following Advice Will Get You Started

Future self journaling has no right or wrong way to start. But it doesn't hurt to have a template. Therefore, you can start building your bright future by following these steps.

1. Begin by making a list of everything for which you are thankful right now.

2. After that, make a list of your objectives. How do you want your life to be? What can you expect to encounter? How will you feel,

etc., in the future?

3. Write out the habits you wish to modify and explain how doing so will help you reach your objectives.

4. Now try to just journal about things you can fix and concentrate on what you have power over. Affirmations are acceptable here.

5. Make sure.

To set and attain your goals, try journaling mindfully. We have some habit tracker worksheets for you do check them out https://www.ekdali.com/product/goal-tracker

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