A Journey to Mars: Mangalyaan

What happens up in the sky has taken up man’s mind space since time immemorial. We look at sky in wonder and the explorer in us wants to see it up close.Mangalyan is India’s atempt to explore our next door neighbour. 

We know how kids are, their curiosity is like the sky with no bounds. This book is written explain India’s Mars mission to kids.  Simple everyday examples are used to explain concepts like escape velocity.  It is explained with the help of a sample everyday object like a sling!

Sample this other example - A lady, standing on a road,  holds a marble and compares it to the earth. She then holds another smaller  marble shoulder width apart to show the size of the moon and the distance. A distant point on the road is then shown to showcase where the mars might be.

It is a highly recommended read for kids to get them interested in space and space travel.

It is also part of our STEM book box- You may buy the book box here 

Publisher : Pratham Books

Author & Illustrator:  Nikhil Gupta

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